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1. Built Environment Context, Identity & Society

Sub-Topics Include

Within the realm of Built Environment Context, Identity, and society, several elements affect urban landscapes and community engagement. The crucial factor of Adaptability and conservation of Cities' Identities is preserving cities' unique character while adapting to expansion and change. The purpose of social inclusion in public spaces is to provide spaces where people from various backgrounds can interact. Community participation and Social Equity are crucial to urban regeneration, highlighting the need to involve local communities in co-creating their urban environment. Further, City Branding, Urban Planning, and Urban Regeneration examine the complex links between branding strategies, urban planning, and regeneration. Tourism and the urban landscape shape urban identity, hence Urban Planning and Tourism study their dynamic relationship.

Architecture reflects cultural identity and preserves urban culture. In public areas, the arts promote cultural diversity and metropolitan identity. The construction of monuments and commemorative areas shows how architecture honors collective memory. Sustainable architecture expresses identity and environmental awareness. The Built Environment and Social Sustainability focus on creating socially sustainable cities. Accessible design creates accessible constructed environments, while inventive public space redesign promotes social engagement and inclusivity. Technology shapes urban identity and promotes inclusiveness, therefore social inclusivity and equal access to smart city technologies remain the fundamental goals.

Suggested sub-themes:

1. Adaptability & Conservation of Cities’ Identities
2. City Branding, Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration
3. Architecture as a reflection of cultural identity
4. Architecture's contribution to preserving and promoting cultural identity in urban contexts.
5. Sustainable architecture as an expression of environmental consciousness and identity
6. Social Sustainability and Built Environment
7. Urban Spaces, Society, and its Culture
8. City’s Values, Image, and Identity
9. Arts, Culture, Identity and Creative Place-Making
10. Urban Growth, Morphology, and its Impact on Cities Identity

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